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Grab the Legacy: Limited Stock Before the Revamp

Greetings, Adventurer! Stand tall and lend thy ear to the ongoing tale of Scribblestry. Change swirls in the air like a symphony of whispers, caring about the secrets of the void. An evolution of sorts, our notebooks shall be going through a most intense revamp to become an object most befitting our chaotic selves.

Limited Edition- Secret Belgian Binding: Orange Geometric Covers

For those that has been able enjoy our notebooks bound through the Secret Belgian Binding. Thou know of its unique and visually appealing style that allows thou to fold either the front or back cover over, granting ample wrist space for comfortable writing or drawing. But even the most enchanting scripts carry a plot hole or two. . .

We scavenged through ancient tomes and dyed our fingertips with nightly inky musings, we’ve pondered long and deep. Ala’s change has appeared like hitting a wall in the dark. The Secret Belgian’s spell, while endearing, gives off a restrictive debuff when designing the covers. And there’s the wee matter of the mischievous spine board, which sometimes yearns to adventure off into the voice, where no fucks are given.

Fear not, for we unveil the Buttonhole binding, a newfound enchantment that unlocks a treasure trove of cover design possibilities. Here, thy wayward spine finds its purpose and remains steadfast. It also retains the visual appealing aspect of viewing the thread binding on the board without the creative restrictions. Thus, solving the biggest notebook flaws.

Secure Your Exclusive Copy: Limited Stock Before the Revamp

Low Stock: Spiderweb Accordion Notebook

Rest assured the only shift our accordion notebooks will take on this journey is the cover redesigning. They will become more enchanting than the first editions.

Our latest design inspired by Halloween is still available to purchase but be swift, this Spiderweb cover design isn’t coming back in stock til next year.

Til Next Time

So, whether you are a seasoned scribe, a courageous adventurer starting your journey, or simply a notebook enthusiast. Stay tuned for future tales from our enchanted realm. With your support, our journey continues into uncharted territories, and we are ever grateful for your companionship.

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